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From The Founder of GMJ

Greetings and welcome to the inaugural issue of the Turkish Edition of Global Media Journal“The Global Network of Communication Scholars”—with 15 confirmed and established editions throughout the world. I commend the foresight of the Yeditepe University administrators for authorizing and supporting this significant global initiative, and congratulate Dr. Ayseli Usluata, Editor, and Dr. Yusuf Devran, co-Editor of the Global Media Journal--Turkish Edition, for their expressed enthusiasm, commitment, and kind cooperation. I also applaud the editors’ colleagues in the Department of Public Relations and Publicity for their interest and support of this exciting and rapidly expanding global academic project. It should be noted that Professor Bekir Azgin of the Eastern Mediterranean University was instrumental in introducing and releasing the very first issue of GMJ-Turkish Edition, in 2006, but due to some logistics was unable to continue the project. His efforts and contributions are appreciated. Your collective vision in realizing the outstanding potential of digital technologies—particularly the Internet—is displayed by your enthusiasm in joining this innovative electronic journal which continues to expand and connect major universities, scholars, students, and academic organizations around the globe. The first issue of Global Media Journal was launched in fall of 2002. As the founder and managing editor of GMJ, I am pleased to note that since then this groundbreaking and open-access publication has steadily and firmly established itself as a credible and respected journal and is routinely cited by media professionals, communication scholars, and researchers. Several global editions, including the American, Mediterranean, Iberoamerican, Persian and others, are indexed in ProQuest CSA, EBSCO, and other major lists. Furthermore, a growing number of universities and scholars are realizing the inevitable growth and legitimacy of digital publishing by giving credence to the articles published in the GMJ editions. In fact, many universities in the US and elsewhere routinely accept papers published in the “refereed” section of the journal for promotion and tenure purposes. The consistent goal of GMJ is to address diverse interests of media and journalism scholars, researchers, teachers, students, and institutions engaged in international activities, particularly global media, journalism, communication, and cultural studies. My goal is to establish an edition of GMJ in every major language and region of the world, thereby creating a truly global research and communication network for scholars, students, teachers, journalists, and institutions around the globe. Ultimately, this unique academic network will facilitate exchange of information and dissemination of knowledge in a timely and efficient manner. It will, thus, serve as powerful channel for enhancing and promoting intercultural communication, international understanding, inter-campus collaboration, and global cooperation among diverse peoples, cultures, and institutions. Once again, congratulations to Professors Ayseli Usluata and Devran, the administration, students, and faculty members of the Department of Public Relations and Publicity at Yeditepe University on your successful launching of the Global Media Journal--Turkish Edition. I join you in proud recognition of yet another accomplishment in the history of your progressive and highly regarded university. Welcome to the most progressive, rapidly expanding, and forward-looking family of the Global Media Journal: “The Global Network of Communication Scholars.” With warm regards, Yahya R. Kamalipour, PhD Professor and Department Head Department of Communication and Creative Arts Director, Center for Global Studies Founder & Managing Editor, Global Media Journal Founder & Director, Global Communication Association Co-Founder & Editor, Journal of Globalization for the Common Good Purdue University Calumet, USA Email: or February 22, 2010 

Yahya Kamalipour

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