Global Media Journal, as a part of The Global Network of Communication Scholars, publishes in various languages in different countries and Turkey. Global Media Journal Turkish Edition (GMJ-TR), which started its publication in 2010, is an international peer-reviewed journal that focuses on scholarly work in communication and media studies, with the contributions of Yeditepe University. GMJ-TR is an open-access journal published online twice a year.
2024 Fall Issue Volume 15, Issue 29 - Tüm Sayı PDF |
Prof. Dr. Pelin HÜRMERİÇ From the Editor |
Research Articles Volume 15, Issue 29 |
Minoo BONYADI BABAEE & Özgür AVCI Media Representation of Afghan and Ukrainian Refugees in Türkiye: A Comparative Analysis of Sabah and S.zcü Newspapers Türkiye’de Afgan ve Ukraynalı Mültecilerin Medyada Temsili: Sabah ve Sözcü Gazetelerinin Karşılaştırmalı Analizi |
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Ali Murat VURAL, Hatun BOZTEPE TAŞKIRAN, Süleyman TÜRKOĞLU, Mehmet SARI, Betül YÜNCÜOĞLU, Emre KOPARAN & Recep Kutluay KESKİN Kamu Kurumlarında Depreme Hazırlık: Beklenen İstanbul Depremi Örneklemi Bağlamında Bir Değerlendirme Earthquake Preparedness in Public Institutions: An Evaluation in the Context of the Expected Istanbul Earthquake |
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Mehmet Emin SATIR Siyaset ve Nostalji: Geçmişin Bir Propaganda Unsuru Olarak Kullanımı Politics and Nostalgia: Use of the Past a Propaganda Tool |
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Elif Hatice BAHÇECİOĞLU Nostaljik Temanın İnşası ve Sosyal Medya: Instagram’da Nostalji Konseptli Kafelerin Yansımaları Üzerine Bir Araştırma Construction of Nostalgic Theme and Social Media : A Research on the Reflections of Nostalgia Concept Cafes on Instagram |
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Ünal TOPUKSUZOĞLU 2023 Cumhurbaşkanlığı Seçimleri ve YouTube Yorumları: Siber Zorbalık ve Nefret Söylemi Üzerine Bir Çalışma A Study on Cyberbullying and Hate Speech: The 2023 Presidential Elections and YouTube Comments |
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Coming Issue | |
Volume: 15, Issue: 30 | Final Submission Date: - |
Metrics | |
Volume: 15 | Issue: 29 |
Articles: 5 |